Manage ambassador orders

Supervision and management of orders is made easier thanks to a comprehensive tab for clearer organization.

Go to the "Follow-up" tab, then "Orders" to access it. Make sure that the statuses are in line with the progress of orders on your side.


The top of the page looks like this, giving you access to several filters:


Order status

To make reading easier, you can apply these different filters:

2024-05-14_11h58_47.png To be sent: once the ambassador has chosen his product, his order will be waiting to be sent by you.

2024-05-14_11h32_42.png Preparation: these are orders that you have defined as being in preparation.

2024-05-14_11h59_19.png Sent: you'll find the list of orders that have been sent.

2024-05-14_11h33_46.png Delivered: if you have the opportunity to enter this information, it will list all orders declared as received by the ambassador.

2024-05-14_11h59_51.png Cancelled: here you'll find any orders you've cancelled.

2024-05-14_11h34_28.png Rejected: product allocations that have been refused (by the Skeepers team or your team) for a given ambassador.

2024-05-14_12h01_01.png Problem: you'll find orders with declared problems.


You can also filter orders by typing the product name in the search bar:


You won't be able to delete an order once it has been received and a video is in progress : only the Skeepers team will be able to do so. Let us know if you need assistance.


Order Detail Page

Below the filters, you'll find a list of orders. Click on one of them to open its detailed page.

Here you can follow the progress of your order, as well as fill in and view its tracking information, and define its status.


Once the status of an order has been changed, it is no longer possible to go back. Please change the status carefully.

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