How to broadcast your videos via the Skeepers player and download?

Once your video is validated, you can distribute it on various platforms to leverage its potential.

To do this, go to the tab "All my videos" > "Distribution" in the left sidebar menu.

1. Broadcast your ambassador videos via the Skeepers Player 

The Skeepers Player is branded with your corporate identity, but it's also easily integrable on your website, specifically on your product pages.

Integrating your ambassador videos through the Skeepers Player:

  • gives you access to precise campaign tracking statistics linked to user journey
  • allows you to measure the impact of your videos on your sales in 2 clicks

You can customize: the intro title, the music (royalty-free), the subtitles, the color of the Skeepers Player.

You cannot customize each of your ambassador videos differently. If you choose not to distribute your videos via the Skeepers Player, no data will be available.


2. Broadcast your ambassador videos via download

Download your ambassador videos to integrate them in mp4 format:
  • on other pages of your website
  • on social media
  • on other corporate channels (intranet, internal slides...)

Follow the steps below to download your videos:

First, go to the tab of your campaign in the left sidebar menu > Tracking > Videos, then filter by validated videos and click on the video you want to download.

1. Go to "Generate my video"

Choose the option "Classic - Download in native format" and click on it.


2. Choose the template

The downloadable version will be in the same format as your video. It will have two lines of text thumbnail, and you will also have the option to add subtitles. Click on "Configure".


3. Customize the video introduction text

After choosing the template, you can configure it. You can customize the introduction text, applied to the layout, during the first few seconds of the video. 

DIffusion -Template personnalisation texte.png

4. Add subtitles to the video

You can add subtitles to the video. They will then be overlayed on the video when it's generated. The subtitles will be positioned at the bottom of the video. 

Diffusion - Template sous-titres.png

5. Where can I find my download?

All your videos will be located in the "Downloads" section.

Download them and integrate them wherever you want!


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